20 April 2009


An interesting thing about following your stomach is that sometimes you just don't feel good. When I started this experiment, a few months ago, I went through a number of phases like this. When I started eating cereal again (not just any cereal, Cinnamon Life cereal) I felt great and then terrible in a matter of a few days. Same thing with cheese crackers. I went through a lot of phases where my excitement to eat whatever I wanted would lead to me overdoing one particular food. And I wouldn't necessarily realize it right away. I would think, "I feel terrible. Tired, headaches, stomach aches, nausea." But it would take a few days for my stomach to say, "OK! Enough already. Let's try something else."

Lately, I had been thinking my stomach was getting better at this, but today I can solidly say not always. After a weekend of drinking beer, sitting in the sun, eating homemade bread, fruit, and whatever happy hours provided I feel terrible. And I have for three days now. I can distinctly remember feeling kinda crappy on Saturday, and then almost exactly repeating what I had done on Friday. Same thing on Sunday. In fact, it wasn't until last night that my stomach finally said, "Stop!". Pretty disappointing.

But, in every terrible stomach ache there is a lesson. And maybe this one came at exactly the right time, right before summer and the temptations to do nothing but drink yummy beer in the sun. So, hopefully next time a beautiful day presents me with nothing to do but relax, I will bring WATER and VEGETABLES and limit myself to just ONE BEER IN THE SUN. Got it?

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